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Summative Assessment

About the Summative Assessment

The KAP summative assessment is typically given statewide and used for accountability purposes. Summative assessments are conducted over six weeks each spring, with a two-week testing window for remote students. It is the largest grain size of all assessments, covering all content standards for a grade and subject. It includes targets of performance, usually called performance or achievement levels. These tests are longer as they require sufficient items for reliability. Question types include selected-response items such as multiple-choice or multi-select or open-ended.

  • Summative assessments provide evidence of learning and mastery of standards.
  • Summarize what students know and do not know.
  • Facilitate a systematic collective response to address future student learning needs
  • Assist with program or course evaluation
  • Evaluate curriculum and programs
  • Help drive professional learning
  • Provide information for local, state, and federal accountability purposes
  • Administered after an extended period of instruction, usually at the end of the school year