The KAP Balanced Assessment System cultivates learning by providing actionable information to educators and students. It incorporates classroom-based, interim, and summative assessments and offers a revitalized reporting suite to provide ongoing feedback on student progress.
The KAP Balanced Assessment System provides assessment opportunities, data, and insights that support educators and advance student outcomes —
Inform instructional planning
Designing effective lessons and units centered on Kansas learning standards.
Collaborate with colleagues
Identifying school-wide trends and developing targeted interventions.
Monitor student progress
Tracking student growth over time and identifying where additional support is needed.
Individualize instruction
Tailoring teaching strategies to the unique needs of each student.
Facilitate important student discussions
Helping students to better understand their own learning patterns, set goals, and take pride in their accomplishments.
Foster a culture of continuous improvement
Helping students celebrate progress and helping educators set goals and identify professional learning needs.
Data aligned with instructional topics
The KAP Balanced Assessment System's revitalized reporting suite, we are ensuring multiple measures of specific learning targets scoped and sequenced by the local curriculum. Data flexibly reported at the cluster and topic level helps teachers focus instruction on the most important skills and knowledge for their specific classrooms.
Mini Tests
Focus on Student Learning
Build student confidence and stamina in answering assessment items while gaining insight into student learning. With our enhanced Instructional Mini Tests, teachers can build small, classroom-based assessments aligned to Kansas standards that provide data about student growth and learning.
Building, assigning, and administering mini tests has never been easier! Use the new KAP Instructional Mini Test Guide and get started today!
What's New in 2024–25?
Mini Tests have been transformed for 2025 and include math, English language arts, and now Science! Not only have we expanded the offerings to provide a broader range of content, the Instructional Mini Tests themselves are:
- Restructured to align to standards/clusters in topical groupings.
- Named clearly so teachers can select targeted topics.
- Enhanced with metadata such as Lexile measure, text complexity, and standard alignment.
New Instructional Mini Tests will be released every 2 – 3 weeks!
Incorporate Mini Tests in classroom instruction
- Choose among available Mini Tests in Educator Portal.
- Build custom tests that reflect classroom instruction.
- Explore a variety of reporting options to help gauge student learning and facilitate instructional planning.
For Instructional Mini Test resources and further information, visit our interim page.
The KAP Balanced Assessment System provides interim assessments in English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, and science two times during the school year. Interim assessments are aligned to state curriculum standards but measure fewer of those standards than are assessed on Kansas summative assessments. Interim assessment scores can be used to evaluate students’ knowledge and skills and inform decisions at the classroom, school, or district level.
The KAP Interim Test Administrator Manual contains everything you will need to administer the Interim assessment. Interim assessments are available during two two-week testing windows for ELA and math in grades 3-8 and 10 as well as for science in grades 5 and 8.
Interim Assessment Administration Windows
Fall: 10/14/24 to 11/1/24
Spring: 1/20/25 to 1/31/25
Engaging Item Types
The KAP Interim Assessments now incorporate more engaging item types by increasing the use of technology-enhanced items while reducing the number of multiple-choice items. Students will encounter more drag-and-drop, ordering, drop-down menus, matching, and other interactive item types.
Enhanced Test Content
In recent years, assessment developers from the University of Kansas have collaborated with KSDE content specialists to develop new assessment content, including reading passages, science phenomena, questions, and responses. Kansas educators reviewed and refined this content for grade-level appropriateness, bias, and fairness. Any questionable content was flagged, refined, or discarded. Following field testing, KU psychometricians analyzed the results for content difficulty across all sub-groups. If necessary, Kansas educators further refined the content to ensure the highest quality of assessment. The thorough review process supports the excellence of the content.
What’s New in Interim Assessments for 2024–25?
New for the 2024-25 school year, the following enhancements have been made to the KAP Balanced Assessment System Interim Assessments:
- Two interim assessment windows instead of three,
- New assessments in grades 5 and 8 science,
- Updated assessment content, and
- Enhanced, interactive reporting features.
For interim resources and further information, visit our interim page.
Featured summative content is coming soon. Check back in March of 2025 for more information.
Looking for summative resources? Check out our summative page.