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New Archive Filter on the Resources Page

New Archive Filter on the Resources Page

August 16, 2024

We’re excited to introduce a valuable new feature for educators on the KAP website: the Archive Filter. This addition to the Resources page allows you to easily access previous versions of resources that may still be valuable to use as references alongside the updated version.

Navigate to the Resources page and activate the new filter titled ARCHIVE at the bottom of the list. The option is set to exclude any resources tagged as archived by default. if you wish to include archived resources in the list along with all other resources, change the filter selection to “Include Archived Resources.”

The list of filters on the KAP Resources page.

All archived resources are tagged with a gray “Archived” label as shown below.

Archived resources with a gray Archived tag in the list.

Whether you are looking for historical materials such as previous technical manuals or educator guides, the Archive filter ensures that we are providing the materials most valuable to you. Explore the new Archive Filter today and make the most of all the educational resources KAP has to offer!