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Interim Predictive Fall Window #1

Interim Predictive Fall Window #1

September 26, 2023

The first of three Interim Predictive assessment windows this school year will be open from October 2-13. The Interim Predictive assessment is optional assessment given three times per year in ELA and mathematics. Results help educators evaluate where students are in their learning and whether they are on track to perform well on future summative assessments. As a result, students are exposed to the same content and types of questions that appear on the required end-of-year summative assessment.

For additional information and resources, visit the Interim page for Educators and Test Administrators. Additionally, the Introduction to the Predictive Interim Assessment module located on the Training tab within the Interim page provides a detailed overview of the assessment as well as reporting examples.

Next Interim Predictive Windows
Window #2: December 4-15
Window #3: January 29 – February 9, 2024