The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is launching an optional Grade 2 Reading Assessment this Spring. This formative assessment is designed to serve as a bridge assessment, measuring both reading fundamentals and comprehension.
Here are answers to several Frequently Asked Questions:
Is the Grade 2 Reading Assessment required?
No, this assessment is optional for districts and not required. This assessment will continue to be optional in future years.
When will the assessment be available?
The assessment window opens on April 23, 2023, and closes on May 5, 2023.
What will the assessment measure?
The assessment is aligned to the Kansas state reading standards (K-2), measuring both reading fundamentals and comprehension.
How long is the assessment?
The assessment will have 35 multiple choice items presented over two sessions. Each session should take students about 30 minutes to complete.
When will I receive student results?
Schools will receive student results the first week of August during the first year. In future years, schools will receive results after the testing window has closed. First year scores will include question-level results, with aggregate and subcategory results available in subsequent years. Results will be available in Kite Educator Portal by selecting Reports in the navigation menu.
How should results be used?
Results are intended for parent, both 2nd and 3rd grade teacher, school, and district use. Results should be used to drive instruction. Grade 2 Reading Assessment results are not included in the state accountability framework.
How will the assessment be delivered?
The assessment will be delivered via the Kite Assessment System. Schools will need to ensure that all testing devices have the Kite Student Portal application installed on them.
How do districts sign up to take the assessment?
District Test Coordinators should contact Julie Ewing to sign up for the Grade 2 Reading Assessment.